MCN can provide positive benefits to people with any number of neurological issues
(also called dysregulated state) and because of the gentle, non-invasive, and effective nature
of Micro Current Neurofeedback, it can be used on children, adults, and the elderly.
As I shared above, MCN treats the source of the problem, not the symptom,
and there have been reported positive, life-changing observations in:
Academic issues Addiction ADD and ADHD Aggression Athletic Performance Anger Anxiety Autism
Spectrum Disorder Autoimmune Disease and Illness Asperger’s Behavioral Disorders Bipolar Brain
Fog Chemical Sensitivities Chemo Brain Fog Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cluster Headaches
Concussions Dementia Depression Disassociation Eating Disorders Epilepsy Executive Function
Fatigue Fibromyalgia Focus Issues Grief and Grieving Headaches Impulsivity Insomnia Irritability
Learning Disorders Lyme Disease Memory Disorders Migraines Mood Disorders Obsessive-
Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Pain Panic Disorders Parkinson’s Past Concussions Peak Performance
Psychological Disorders Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Raynaud’s Rumination Seizure
Disorders Sensory Integration Sleep Issues Somatization Stress Stroke Suicidal Ideations
Tension Headaches Tinnitus Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
85-90% of patients report positive changes within their first three treatment sessions.
Mood or condition shifts may be felt such as increased calm, improved focus, and feeling more present.
Over the course of treatment, improvements can become substantial and life-changing!
After your treatment series, you might require “tune-ups” from time to time, however, most benefits are enduring! This is because the brain regains healthier neurochemical balance, develops more neuroplasticity, and builds a natural resistance to returning to a dysfunctional state.
There are no evidenced risks or long-term negative effects associated with MCN because it does not make any condition or symptom worse and cannot cause permanent or negative damage to the brain or nervous system. MCN only targets frozen, stuck patterns.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this Site is intended solely for informational purposes and may not be used as a substitute for professional advice and/or information, as circumstances will vary from person to person. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You assume all risk for any actions you take based on information provided on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, please call your doctor or 911 immediately.